I want to take this moment and praise the youth of our church for another succesful year of school. Aaron, Bailey, Jacob, Kat, Sabrina and Britney i'm proud of you guys and the hard work and dedication you put into this year of school. Way to Go!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
"This is what we were taught to do, it's getting knocked down, and you're raised -- it's in your spirit and soul -- you get back up! It's just, you never been hit like this before. You don't mind getting hit and criticized about a philosophy or a play. But it's being hit this way that is different. But boy, you're raised -- 'It's third-and-8. Let's go.' You get back up. You go."
Well i finally did what i said i was going to do at the beginning of the year, i went back to they gym sunday and started working out. I'm feeling it today,i think i over did my first day cause i cant even lift my arms my muscles are very sore. This video shows what it was like for going back to gym.
I’m reminded of a story about David early in his life. Saul doesn’t like David and with a price on his head and Saul on his trail he runs. The young David does what most youth do when they are looking for help, he goes to church. Today’s youth are searching for purpose. Do you know why they try drugs? Do you know why they are running to motels at the age of 17 or 18? Or why they are in taverns and nightclubs? They are searching for purpose, and the church needs to supply that purpose. School shootings, terrorist attacks, dangerous “designer” drugs, teen suicide pacts. It seems there is no end to the reasons to fear for our teen’s safety and well-being. In today’s world, teens are likely to encounter more ethical and moral temptations, greater spiritual battles, and more emotional and relational struggles than any other generation in history. Young people’s exposure to sexual temptations, school violence, alcohol, and illegal drugs are some dangerous influences that threatens are youth today. My prayer today is that we do what Ahimelech the priest does when youth walks thru our church doors, TO OFFER NOURISHMENT TO OUR SPIRITUALLY HUNGRY YOUTH GENERATION. Ahimelech at first does what most of our churches do in America today, he is afraid when the young man walks through the door. If we can be truthfully honest a lot of times when a young person walks through our church doors we hesitate to reach out to them.In Mark 10:13-14 Jesus tells us how to treat our youth, “AND THEY BROUGHT YOUNG CHILDREN TO HIM, THAT HE SHOULD TOUCH THEM; AND HIS DISCIPLES REBUKED THOSE THAT BROUGHT THEM. BUT WHEN JESUS SAW IT, HE WAS MUCH DISPLEASED, AND SAID UNTO THEM. SUFFER THE LITTLE CHILDREN TO COME UNTO ME AND FORBID THEM NOT; FOR OF SUCH IS THE KINGDOM OF GOD.” If we will just help our youth, instead of trying to beat them with a wooden stick, pretty soon we would hear them yelling, I WANT TO BE LIKE MY JESUS NO MATTER THE COST. Plan activities, youth services, or lock in’s for your youth group, spend time with the youth and fellowship with them. Jesus spent time with thieves, sluts, and liars so what is it going to hurt for us when the youth walk through the door to love them, hug them, care about them and their needs instead of condemning them. Jesus doesn’t condemn, so what gives us the right to condemn. God said to catch them and he would clean them, but sometimes though we try to do the cleaning ourselves and end up ruining the catch of the day. Young David ask Ahimelech for some food because he is hungry, David is spiritually hungry in need of nourishment for his soul. The only thing he has is holy bread, but he gives it to David. Ahimelech is wondering if just did the right thing, did he brake the law or obeyed a higher law. He decided the higher call was a hungry soul, rather then dot the I of God’s code; he met the need of God’s child. When our youth our spiritually hungry, what are you doing to feed their hunger? Too many times we don’t feed them and they find nourishment in all the wrong places. David also asks for weapon to defend himself. Are we teaching our youth and equipping them with the weapons needed to defend themselves in the spiritual battle their in or are we just putting them on the front line to be slaughter by the enemy so we can say, “I WAS RIGHT THEY WOULDN’T LAST.” David at this point is like most youth in our generation today, he is desperate for help, he has no place to hide from his battle, no food to eat, no recourse, and no resources. They are desperate and looking to go somewhere for help. My prayer for all of us today is that they can go to God’s sanctuary, to church and that we would open our hearts to them. I pray that each one of us would be an Ahimelech, a church leader with a heart for the desperate souls of our youth. Ahimelech feeds David’s soul and gives him a weapon for his battle. David came to church hungry and weaponless and leaves with a bellyful of bread and the sword of a giant. When youth leave church are their bellies full and equipped for battle or are they looking to the streets to fill their hunger and looking for a shotgun to defend themselves from abuse, neglect, or being made fun of. Pastor and author Eugene Peterson wrote one time and had this comment, “A SANCTUARY IS WHERE WE GET BREAD AND SWORD, STRENGTH FOR THE DAY AND WEAPONS FOR THE FIGHT.” Bread and the whole armor of God, food and equipment, the church exists to provide both to our youth. Do we succeed in doing so? Not always, youth-helping is never a tidy trade. Young people enter church seeking shelter from angry Saul’s such as abuse, neglect, broken hearted, and pressure of society. Ahimelechs of the church (leaders, teachers, pastors,) are called to provide shelter for youth generation. Jesus calls the church to lean in the direction of compassion. At the end of the day, the question is not how many laws were broken but rather, how many desperate David’s (young people) were nourished and equipped? Ahimelech TEACHES THE CHURCH TO PURSUE THE SPIRIT OF THE LAW MORE THAN ITS LETTER. David stumbles in this story, desperate young people will most of the time, but at least he stumbles into the right place-into God’s sanctuary, where God meets and ministers to hopeless hearts. When youth come thru our doors we should bring bread for their souls, and a sword for their struggle. My prayer is that our churches BE A HERO, MOBILIZES, DISCIPLES, AND EQUIP THE YOUTH OF THE NATION, TO LOVE AND CARE FOR THEM, AND TO OFFER NOURISHMENT TO OUR SPIRITUALLY HUNGRY YOUTH GENERATION
“Brothers don't necessarily have to say anything to each other-they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.” By Leonardo DiCaprio
On May 23, 1980 a screaming baby boy came into this world. That would be the #1 brother in world, my brother Alvin. I thank God for my brother, he has been a great brother whom i'm proud of and proud to call my brother, so thank you Alvin for all that you do and for having a heart after God. Love you bro.
"I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." By Michael Jordan
He was defeated for the state legislature in Illinois in 1832 He was defeated for Congress in 1843 He was defeated for Congress again in 1848 He was defeated for the Senate in 1855 He was defeated for Vice presidential ticket in 1856 He was defeated again for the Senate in 1858 He became president in 1860 and lives on history as one of the GREATEST PRESIDENTS IN UNITED STATES. President Abraham Lincolin
If you never failed, you've never lived.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I had the honor this weekend to work at ladies retreat, it was a great time of refreshing for the ladies of arkansas. It was great joy to finally meet Brother and Sister Wells, i heard so many great things about them it was wonderful to finally meet them in person.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Don't Quit by Jill Wolf
Don't quit when the tide is lowest, For it's just about to turn; Don't quit over doubts and questions, For there's something you may learn.
Don't quit when the night is darkest, For it's just a while 'till dawn; Don't quit when you've run the farthest, For the race is almost won.
Don't quit when the hill is steepest, For your goal is almost nigh; Don't quit, for you're not a failure Until you fail to try.
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Congrats to Sabrina and her CAC track team for winning the title at the track meet.