Friday, April 11, 2008


i just finished watching a powerful video that talked about the protein Laminin, i challenge you to do a google search on this and look at a image, but please wait and read this first, i also have put a image at the bottom. That is a image from google, but there is a actual scienctific photo of Laminin taken from the human body with the same look to it.

Laminin basically keeps our body from falling apart, its the glue of the human body. Laminin holds our body together, it holds the skin and organs together. what's so amazing about Laminin is what it acutally looks like in our body.

the protein Laminin that holds our body together is in the shape of a cross, WOW very amazing, In my heart right now i'm so thankful for the awesome God we serve and that he hold us together. In Colossians 1:17 Paul writes and says, "He holds all creation together."

I realzie thru it all God has holds us together just like Laminin holds our body together, he has given us the protein to go the extra mile, to press on, to keep going, to keep fighting the good fight, and go the extra mile. So if your reading this and going thru a hard time, just remember, we have Laminin inside all of us. God right now i praise you and thank you with all my heart that you hold me together, that you are my Laminin thru difficult times in life. Thank you for the cross of Jesus Christ. "O great God be glorfied, our lives laid down, yours magnifies. Oh Great God be lifted high, there is none like you."

Ever Wonder Why???

Very powerful video, check it out!!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

He Walked Among Us

"When God chose to reveal himself, he did so (surprise of surprises) through a human body. The tongue that called forth the dead was a human one. The hand that touched the leper had dirt under its nails. The feet upon which the woman wept were calloused and dusty. And his tears…oh, don’t miss the tears…they came from a heart as broken as yours or mine ever has been. So, people came to him. My, how they came to him! They came at night; they touched him as he walked down the street; they followed him around the sea; they invited him into their homes and placed their children at his feet. Why? Because he refused to be a statue in a cathedral or a priest in an elevated pulpit. He chose instead to be Jesus."

Max Lucado

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Walk It Out

It's not what you think it is, just watch it!!!